Have you ever wondered what other people are doing this summer? Well, the easiest way to find out is to read this article. We surveyed the entire 6th grade to find the most popular summer plans. We also included our favorite summer treat/snack to make it a bit more fun.
This first graph shows the summer plans of 6th graders. The majority of people chose all of the above which consisted of camp, pool, beach, vacation, and hangout with friends. That was 32.8% of people, which means they will be keeping their parents busy this summer.
The graph below shows 6th graders favorite summer treat. Of course, the most popular snack was ice cream with 28.6% of the vote. Many couldn’t decide and chose all of the above which included ice cream, Ralph’s Italian Ices, Crumbl Cookie, and Duck Donuts. Woodland students have great taste when it comes to snacks.